Polymer Does Physics. It controls hydrocarbon fuel combustion in an internal combustion engine ( control fuel droplet’s size ). When minute quantities of a Polyalphaolefine polymer are introduced into the fuel charge of an IC engine, the fuel becomes viscoelastic. This results in improving combustion efficiencies, the polymer achieves this by three physical properties of Gasoline ( petrol), diesel & any hydrocarbon fuel molecules. The variable vapor pressure of the fuel constituents the size of the fuel droplets, and the size distribution of the fuel droplets, whether carburetors or injected.
Controlling these physical properties of hydrocarbon fuel has been the greatest challenge to achieve an optimal air/fuel charge to the spark plug at ignition. The polymer provides this control by greatly reducing the population of sub-micron-size droplets while reducing the average droplet’s and narrowing droplet size, distribution.
By controlling these variables, the polymer permit’s a more uniform air/fuel mixture and thus more efficient combustion. This, in turn, produces lower overall temperature, higher peak pressure, increase torque, greater fuel economy, especially during transient and a dramatic reduction of harmful emission. it will increase the octane rating by 2 points ( example 87 to 89 ) .
The product is a mixture of polymer molecules and small molecular compounds designed to act synergistically to control the physics of fuel combustion.
By limiting the evaporation of fuel molecules in the combustion process the product modifies the rates of combustion of the light and heavy ends of the fuel charge the rates of combustion of the light ends are reduced; the rates of combustion of the heavy ends are increased.
This separation of the combustion regimes produces substantial benefits, including A reduction in the combustion temperature, resulting in an increase in the octane/cetane rating of the fuel, A reduction in emissions of all polluting gases and particulate matter An increase in fuel economy: 10% or more for road-tested, gasoline or diesel engines in vehicles, and up to 40% for diesel/electric generator sets, The removal of combustion residue left by untreated fuels.